Rank Country National Cyber Security IndexNCSI Digital Development LevelDDL DifferenceDif
24. Albania 70.83 62.34 8.49
59. Angola 17.50 33.37 -15.87
57. Antigua and Barbuda 18.33 30.72 -12.39
36. Argentina 58.33 67.36 -9.03
7. Australia 87.50 82.60 4.90
9. Austria 85.00 78.35 6.65
21. Azerbaijan 73.33 61.08 12.25
29. Bahrain 60.83 72.73 -11.90
41. Bangladesh 54.17 54.63 -0.46
3. Belgium 92.50 73.55 18.95
49. Bosnia and Herzegovina 33.33 53.25 -19.92
46. Botswana 39.17 47.86 -8.69
6. Canada 87.50 78.14 9.36
31. Chile 60.00 70.84 -10.84
33. China 60.00 77.94 -17.94
18. Cyprus 76.67 71.44 5.23
1. Czech Republic 98.33 72.93 25.40
23. Dominican Republic 71.67 57.70 13.97
42. Egypt 50.83 55.71 -4.88
5. Estonia 88.33 82.56 5.77
27. Georgia 64.17 63.61 0.56
28. Ghana 63.33 53.56 9.77
60. Iraq 10.00 22.86 -12.86
17. Ireland 77.50 78.79 -1.29
4. Italy 88.33 73.58 14.75
20. Jordan 73.33 57.77 15.56
50. Kiribati 30.00 22.86 7.14
48. Kuwait 37.50 63.71 -26.21
16. Latvia 79.17 73.10 6.07
55. Lebanon 20.83 54.49 -33.66
53. Libya 21.67 27.33 -5.66
8. Lithuania 85.00 75.53 9.47
47. Mexico 38.33 64.41 -26.08
61. Micronesia (Federated States of) 4.17 16.18 -12.01
12. Moldova (Republic of) 81.67 62.66 19.01
30. Montenegro 60.00 60.85 -0.85
25. Morocco 70.00 57.17 12.83
51. Mozambique 30.00 27.56 2.44
54. Myanmar 21.67 50.01 -28.34
13. Netherlands 81.67 84.66 -2.99
39. New Zealand 55.00 79.24 -24.24
35. Nigeria 58.33 41.51 16.82
37. North Macedonia 56.67 58.31 -1.64
43. Oman 50.00 69.64 -19.64
38. Panama 55.83 59.30 -3.47
2. Poland 92.50 73.21 19.29
10. Portugal 84.17 72.94 11.23
45. Qatar 40.83 69.88 -29.05
44. Rwanda 47.50 50.58 -3.08
34. Saudi Arabia 59.17 77.39 -18.22
22. Serbia 72.50 70.05 2.45
14. Slovakia 80.83 67.55 13.28
62. Solomon Islands 2.50 18.41 -15.91
52. The Bahamas 24.17 35.72 -11.55
40. Togo 54.17 19.60 34.57
56. Tonga 20.00 25.82 -5.82
26. Tunisia 68.33 55.46 12.87
15. Ukraine 80.83 71.87 8.96
19. United Kingdom 75.00 84.67 -9.67
11. United States 84.17 85.46 -1.29
32. Uruguay 60.00 71.73 -11.73
58. Zimbabwe 18.33 37.57 -19.24